Friday 11 July 2014


Fortune favours the brave they say, so where were you today
What is it that makes you better, than the people you meet along the way
Does the Man beside you, on the bus, not deserve his place
And why abuse the homeless man and shout right in his face
All because, that they don't fit, your perfect view of life
And your belief that all young men are carrying a knife
Just because they wear a hoodie, which is just to keep them warm
You decide, their not worthwhile and only can do harm
So when the old lady cries for help and collapses on the street
And you are just to busy staring at your feet
That young man is the one to help her, in her time of need
When you would just have left her, lying there to bleed
Look inside and maybe it is you who needs the help to see
Cause he is ten times stronger, than you could ever be

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